Bird Deterrents
Bird Repellents
People often ask what bird Deterrents systems do the pest bird control experts use to get rid of pigeons? One Bird Deterrent product is called Bird Repellent. Bird Repellents are excellent bird deterrents when used as intended. Bird Repellents are capable of resolving major bird control problems, but they work best when used in combination with other products.
Bird repellents are sticky substances usually applied to structures; they give immediate results but again they must be applied correctly!!! Most Bird Repellents are non-toxic, non-lethal and harmless to metal structures, sealed masonry, ornamental metals, people, pets, and children.
Industrial strength Bird Repellents like the one Pest Bird Management uses, can protect your property from messy bird deposits for up to a full year or longer with one thorough application.
...Pest Bird Management’s, Albuquerque # 1 Bird Pest pigeon removal service, our industrial strength Bird-Repellent is time tested and the bird repellent works well. It can be used on roof tops, bridges, signs, in warehouses, around AC units, solar panels, under eves, railroad yards, parking lots and more.
one application of our industrial strength bird-repellent drives unwanted pigeons from roof tops, chases pigeons away from eves, and it keeps pigeons at bay like no other Bird Repellent that we have ever seen before.
Our Bird repellent will protect your property and preventing new flocks of birds from coming in and taking over. If you have a pigeon control problem, call one of our Bird Control experts to see if our bird repellent is the right for you. This product must be applied by professionals. Learn More
Bird Spikes
Dense, Transparent Needle Strips, block pest birds from their landing. Can be very effective when used as intended. Birds instinctively fly to roof ledges, windowsills, building projections, signs, statues, trusses and beams but are unable to land due to the bird spike. Bird spike is not the one fix that solves all bird problems. Bird spikes are tough-Long-lasting and provides decades of maintenance-free protection for your property. Bird spikes can be somewhat transparent, flexible and mounts easily on flat, curved or irregular surfaces – whether wood, metal or masonry. Learn More
Bird Netting
When pigeons move in and start exerting effort and energy in hopes of taking over your space, you need an answer that is sure to drive the unwanted pest birds away quickly.
Bird Netting is one of the most efficient and effective method to deter pigeons from entering balconies, carports, parking garages, hangers, warehouses, loading docks, attics, eaves, courtyards and other openly exposed areas.
Pest Bird Management, Albuquerque's preferred pigeon removal service and New Mexico's oldest bird pest control company, we know how to get rid of pigeons using Bird Netting. As a matter of fact, with almost two decades of experience under our belt, Pest Bird Management has become Albuquerque's #1Bird Netting installers, we know all about Bird netting and we know how to install Bird Netting in a way that urges pesty birds to move on to new breeding grounds.
Bird Netting is manufactured from knotted polyethylene twine, it is flame resistant, and it's very strong. When Bird netting is installed by one of our Pest Bird Management professionals, the Bird Netting is virtually invisible and will not clash with the aesthetics of your property.
We hold to the belief that Bird Netting installed properly must look as good as it works.
We are the kind of people that you want to do business with, let us find the right solution for you. Learn More
BirdSlide is a common bird control method that is extremely effective when used correctly. Bird Slide creates a barrier that makes it physically impossible for birds to land or perch.
When installed correctly by professionals this product works wonders. If this produce is installed incorrectly, it becomes a shield and is incorporated as part of the bird's nest. Learn More
Shock Track
Electric track bird deterrent systems are low profile bird deterrents used to prevent birds from landing or nesting in unwanted areas of your property. The unique electrically charged tracks give birds a mild electrical shock when they land on the tracks surface. The shock will not harm birds, but will condition them to stay away from the area making electric track bird deterrents a great choice when modifying bird behavior. Learn More